Friday 8 June 2012

The Experience About DST Project

Sincere, many experience do the DST. firstly we would say thanks to the beloved lecture Dr Hafizah and all friends. Madam Dr Hafizah sure is no ordinary lecture as we often enjoy our moment learning not just english but at the same time about life too. The first experience is do DST. many challenges period forced. especially doing the movie maker. but as student we cant give up. and we take the challenge for doing the best for DST. 
secondly, doing DST we can use the blogs as medium  intraction for all group. it's is good for students to learn how use the blogs, or other application. finally, we would say most thank to Dr Hafizah for such a big support that he give us. to everyone who contributed in making this happen. thank you very much.


Friday 1 June 2012

Digital Story Telling already completed ..What you feel?? i feel proud of my team membersto be able to complete the project.  thank a lot to all my team members withcooperation.luv u all.  And good luck for our exam..

By: Dalilah

The Problems About DST

        In first time we do the movie maker and that's are new for we. but the first time, we think we try do the best for DSTt. but, in fact, there are so many problems to complet this project.
       Firstly, as we all knows, our group mamber are not same course. that are difficult to make a discussion and make recording video together. and the best soultion we had is, we have discussed and set the time that we are no buzy. That is on friday.
      Secondly, as u knows, that we are new about the movie maker and so on. especially lack about technology such as movie maker, photostory, recording. however, we try to do and get some help from friends and other group members. 
      Thirdly is,we also get difficult to get picture. as u know my group do the tragedy of bukit kepong for dst. many of people it's easy but the it's dificult to get picture. many picture are same. but, we try to get many of picture from google, blogs and there other website.
       Fourtly,when the proses of creating and editing video, we cannot change video to window media player. the best way is we cannot give up and get help from friends. Alhamdulillah, after one hours we can change the video. and the final we complete perfect for video
      In conclusion, this project make we many lessons. the  best lessons is, if we want making DST successful, we need work together and patience and never give up. it is not impossible for us to complete this project that has been given. hope we can take the lessons after this.

By: Nor Dalilah Ehsan :)

Wednesday 9 May 2012



Communist attack

  • According to witnesses, there were approximately 200 people from the communist terrorists were led by Muhammad Indra, the Malay Communist deceived by the Chinese Communist party. 
  • In the initial planning informed that Muhammad Indra as an alarm attack, however it turned into a tragedy worse, it is also accompanied by Komisser Goh Peng Tun.
  •  Battle began when Constable Jaffar bin Hassan challenged and shot dead a communist who was cutting barbed wire the station. 
  • The communists then attacked from all angles, especially from the front. However, the police, led by Sgt Jamil Mohd Shah, refused to surrender, although many times urged by the communists that they surrendered. 
  • The police fight it out until one by one fall. 
  • Two wives, marine police also took up arms when their husbands have died and they continue to fight with the other members until out of ammunition         (MIMA SURIATI)

The Condition and Situation of Bukit Kepong- Now

Bukit Kepong now become a:

  1.  Historical police station in Malaysia which is the main attraction for the Malaysian tourists. 
  2. Besides, many schools have visited the Bukit Kepong police station for students to approach historical events that occurred in Malaysia.

         (Dalilah Ehsan)
Moral Lesson of Tragedy Bukit Kepong:
1. We as Malaysian people must be appreciate the sacrifice they do to defense country.
2. Women also can lift the arms and defense country.
3. Appreciate the peace of Malaysia.
4. Enchance the patrotisme spirit among people.


have a nice day...

Friday 27 April 2012

"Kami orang pils tidak akan menyerah diri. Biar kami mati di sini. Bukit Kepong menjadi tanah kubur kami"

by: Nur Amalina Adzlan

Synopsis of Bukit Kepong

Bukit Kepong Incident was a historic armed encounter which took place on the February 23, 1950 between the police and the Malayan Communists during pre-independence Malaya. This conflict took place in an area surrounding the Bukit Kepong police station in Bukit Kepong. The wooden station was located on the river banks of the Muar River, about 59km from Muar town, Johor.The incident started just before dawn with the Communists launching a guerilla assault on the police station. It ended tragically in a bloody massacre with the aggressors killing almost all of the police officers stationed there. When they began the siege, the attackers strongly believed that they would be able to defeat the policemen and gained control of the police station within a short span of time. This is due to several factors in their favour: 
1. Arms and numerical superiority 
2. Relative isolation of the station. 
The battle began at about 4.15 am.In the final hours of the fierce battle, the Communists set fire onto the officers' barracks and station. Two women and their children were burnt to death in the married quarters. At that point only 3 policemen plus a village guard were still alive. They rushed out from the burning station, unable to withstand the heat. They then assaulted the Communists position, killing at least 3 of them.Only about five hours after the first shot was fired did the communists manage to break their defences and set the place ablaze. They then retreated into the jungle, leaving a trail of destruction and bloodshed.

14 policemen, 4 village guards, 3 auxiliary policemen, wife of Abu Bakar Daud (one of the surviving policemen) and three of their children were killed in the incident. The total number of deaths is 25. Those who survived the bloody encounter are 4 policemen and 9 family members including their wives and children.

(Nur Farhah Binti Othman)

Friday 30 March 2012


Assalammualaikum. Hi Peeps!
First of all let me introduce a little bit about our group. Our group name is D' FAS! Wondering why we choose D' FAS as our group name? Well, actually we get this name from the combination of our group members' name:
So here we are, D' FAS! Nice isn't it? :)

And we have divided the task between us. Nur Dalilah and Mima Suriati assigned to find all the informations about the tragedy of Bukit Kepong. While Nur Farhah and Nur Amalina were entrusted to find all the songs and pictures that appropriate to the topic to make the documentary very interesting and stunning. And we will make the digital story together :) For now everything is going very well, all the materials were collected. Alhamdulillah. Next, we will work hard on the video :)

For our DST, we have decided to choose Tragedy of Bukit Kepong as our topic. Yes, history! We choose this topic because history is now almost forgotten especially among teenagers. This is because they think history is something that is very boring. Besides, tragedy of Bukit Kepong is not known by all Malaysian because we think the media failed to perform their role to disseminate the historical events that occured in Malaysia. In our opinion, tragedy of Bukit Kepong is one of the historical events that bring a very valuable lessons to the people. So, with this topic we can at least give them some informations. Its better than they know nothing.
Secondly, this topic has been chosen because on this way we can show our appreciation to all victims who has been struggled so hard to preserve and defend the dignity of the country. We do not want people to forget the sacrifices made by them all. To some extent, the families of the victims also feel appreciated when the hard effort of their family members have been given an attention and appreciated.
Next, we choose this topic because we realized that this tragedy happened due to some factors such as weak fortifications, strategies that do not systematically arranged and so on. So now we can all take lessons on what had happened.  We as a youth, do not repeat the mistakes that made previously untill we have been occupied by foreign countries.
So we hope that this topic can create or build up spirit of patriotism among students and they will have deep awareness of the historical events that occured in Malaysia.

This story is about the conflict between the police and the Malayan Communists during pre-independence Malaya at the Bukit Kepong police station. Many people were killed in the incident. So we gonna put:
1. The details about Bukit Kepong
2. How did the tragedy happened
3. The factors of the tragedy
4. The effects of the tragedy
5. Moral values
6. The condition and situation of Bukit Kepong today

The purpose of DST:
1. We can share alot of informations with our friends.
2. Before we choose this topic, we do not know much about the tragedy of Bukit Kepong. But after doing some research and searching materials for this documentary, we get alot of informations and we had improved our knowledge.
3. DST has taught us to work in group, help each other and do not being such a selfish person!
4. We think DST is fun because on our video will have pictures, background music that will be more interesting.
5. To create awareness about the importance of used of english language.


by: Nur Farhah Binti Othman